The influence of pop culture on modern people.


 In the modern world, trends are dictated, alas, not by ordinary people. The pop industry has such an impact on the modern man that it leaves him almost no choice in the matter of following the "fashion" or staying behind. We are literally forced to think about how to dress, what to listen to, and what to watch. If you don't look like your idol, what are you doing here?

     It is easy for a person in the modern world to get lost in the pursuit of something new and fashionable. People try to repeat after those who are considered successful in any field, in particular, for musicians or actors. Or they believe that some saying or quote from their favorite will help them in life. A person subconsciously adjusts their lifestyle to their idol, refusing to go their own way and getting lost in the abundance of " how it should be". 

     For example, until the 60s of the last century in the music industry, it was not customary for a man to wear long hair and talk about love for a woman as something sublime, crystal clear and sometimes naive (with the exception of jazz, but this was not the main musical trend). But everything changed when the Liverpool foursome took the stage, which secured the title of one of the most popular bands in the world. Long hair, love ballads, boyish voices - all this became fashionable in an instant. The Beatles were the ones who were followed, who were tried to repeat, hundreds of millions of fans around the world dressed like them, propagated the same thoughts about love and peace. 

     In my blog, I want to look at many aspects of the impact of the pop industry on people and society in General, from the Beatles to the modern scene.

     I hope you will find something in this that will affect you! 


  1. I find your blog so interesting! Reading it you can tell that music is your main interest and that you know what you are talking about. As for this particular post, I agree with you when you mentioned that the majority of people want to look like their idols. They try to emulate their aspect. And, it might sound funny, but in my High School for example you could easily tell who was a SoundCloud listener and who preferred the more popular Spotify or Apple Music (I now listen to both, but I had my SoundCloud phase back in the years). You also presented the example of The Beatles...what a band! They are the main example of popular culture influencing individuals. The Beatlemania was something huge, their millions of fans and followers emulated their aspects and their ideas too. Messages of love and peace filled their lyrics, spreading around the world in a much positive wave. Their integrated shows were a clear sign of breaking point reached after the many years of segregation in America. And what positive impacts should famous people have.


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